Rafael Nadal Will Decide Tuesday On The US Open [Video]

by Tom Gainey | August 10th, 2014, 10:09 am

According to Spanish media, Rafael Nadal will officially make a decision on his US Open participation this Tuesday, two weeks to the day after he injured his right wrist.

Nadal’s doctor, Dr. Angel Cotorro, will make the determination upon examining Rafa’s wrist.

Despite the injury, Nadal, who is missing title defending in Canada and Cincinnati, continues to train with the right wrist in a brace, just opting not to hit two-handed backhands.

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67 Comments for Rafael Nadal Will Decide Tuesday On The US Open [Video]

Giles Says:

Vamos Champ!
Hope it’s all good news on Tuesday.

Hippy Chic Says:

Best of luck Rafa,im really pulling for your USO participation,all my fingers and toes are crossed….

courbon Says:

Giles,Vamos is Ok to write but stop writing ‘Stay healthy’ because he is constantly injured since you start writing that…just friendly advice.(-:

Hippy Chic Says:

Courbon your right,i dont believe in jinxs or curses personally,but indeed it does sound like a contradiction in terms,when one says stay healthy lol….

Giles Says:

@Courbon. Thank you so much for your advice. You are too kind!
@HC. Jumping on the bandwagon again!!!
And why does saying to someone “stay healthy” sound like a contradiction in terms? Do you never convey good wishes to anyone?
For all the injuries Rafa has suffered wishing him good health is a bad thing?
Geez. Some people …..

Hippy Chic Says:

As a matter of fact i do all the time,as i said keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that Rafa will play the USO,and i will be gutted if he doesnt,and BTW this is an open forum,people are free to but in whenever they choose,this aint like the real world,best of luck Rafa,there you go,just for you….

Giles Says:

The problem is you are always butting in and actually without realising it you tend to cause arguments, like now!

Hippy Chic Says:

Whos arguing,im not arguing with you,or anyone else….

Okiegal Says:


I’ve even crossed my eyes!! Ha ha ha…..Oh how I hope he has recovered. If he can’t play….real bummer!!

AlaKid Says:

US Open to important to miss. Go Rafa, punk the joker man

Wog boy Says:

Can somebody translate what Toni Nadal is saying in this video. I do have translation from B92 but I would like somebody to confirm it, this is in Serbian:

“- Za nas je odlična stvar što je Novak tako rano ispao sa turnira. Možda mnogi misle da je to pogrešno razmišljanje, ali za nas je bolje da on na US open dođe u što lošijem stanju – rekao je stariji Nadal….”


What Toni is saying is that they (him and Rafa) are very happy that Novak was knocked out early and that they want Novak to arrive at USO in as bad condition as possible. How can anybody have respect for this man, Toni Nadal. To wish bad luck to his oponent..

jane Says:

that’s a low blow, if it is indeed what’s toni said, wog boy.

Wog boy Says:

One more thing, by saying this, Toni Nadal is saying that Rafa playing USO was never in doubt..as we knew from the very beginning of “injury” saga.

skeezer Says:

Wog boy,
Thanks for exposin the Unc Cheat and mr wordplay once again, who got his infamous rep from getting caught and fined for illegal on court coaching.

courbon Says:

Ko drugom jamu kopa, sam u nju ce da upadne….

Michael Says:

I hope Rafa is fit and plays the US Open. If he doesn’t participate, then the tournament will lose its glamour and flavour at the top. US Open is very crucial for Rafa atleast for preserving his No.2 spot which is under severe threat.

Michael Says:

Well even assuming that Toni and Rafa have wished Novak bad luck (which I doubt is the case when things get distorted in translation), there is still Cincinnati to play for and it is the tournament that Novak is more ambitious to win to complete his collection of Master series titles. A good performance there and Novak will be raring to go at the US Open and would emerge as the overwhelming favourite.

metan Says:

Anyone can speak Rafa language can translate it please, just want to know the truth.

jane Says:

metan, apparently he said something like this:

“For us it’s great Novak lost so early regardless of the fact that many think it’s a wrong thinking. For us it’s better that he comes to USO in as bad form as possible”

not cool. : /

Hippy Chicl Says:

People know me as a poster that doesnt think Rafas perfect,or just blindly defends him no matter what he does,but im just wondering if this has been taken out of context,and somethings lost in translation,Novaks the best HC player on tour,so im just wondering if, what Uncle.T meant here was if Nole was to have an unconvential USO HC swing then the players Rafa included will recognize that Nole is beatable,i dont know personally and im just summizing here,but im just wondering that maybe this actually sounds worse than what it is,i think Uncle.T shouldve chosen his words a bit more carefully though,as this i agree doesnt sound very good at all????

Okiegal Says:

In an interview not long ago a commentator asked Rafa about whether or not he liked the fact that there was that rivalry between him and Novak and he answered “No…..I like a challenge but I’m not stupid”……smiling. If you pinned Fed down and asked him the same question regarding Rafa…..if he was honest in his answer I feel like he would say the same thing. You know he’s got to love it when Rafa has been knocked out or had to pull out. Even Milos made a comment with Rafa not showing up at Toronto the players were licking their chops at having a better chance to win it with his absence…..an honest comment. Don’t like the answer Toni gave but agree with Michael…maybe it could be a language barrie……….and maybe not!!

Okiegal Says:


You got your comment in before mine, I agree with you. Hopefully a language barrier snafu. I realize Toni has hoof and mouth disease at times….opens mouth and inserts foot! LOL But I do think at times the subject matter can get lost in translation. Rafa has done the same thing before too. I mean after all, Toni knows everything that comes out of their camp is dissected in every way imaginable. I just can’t see that he meant it the way some think……but he could have, who really knows for sure what he meant……just saying.

Okiegal Says:

I missed Jane’s post too. If it was meant like Jane said……I agree…..not cool…..

Hippy Chicl Says:

Okiegal great post,i do think Toni couldve chosen his words better,but when Rafa lost early in the CC season,the talk was pretty much the same in that Rafa was loosing that air of ivincibility,and this would be the year he would lose at the FO etc etc??the same could be said here about Nole,again im just summizing??

jane Says:

i think toni often puts his foot in his mouth, like when he admitted to on-court coaching but said that it’s okay for him to do because he’s older!

to me, rafa is a much better speaker in english, and it’s clear to a listener when rafa is joking, like what he said about facing nole (which i took as a sort of joke).

that said, one would think that a champion would *want* to face his / her main rivals and try to overcome a greater challenge for greater glory, as opposed to facing someone “easier.”

for me, the fact that nole beat fed at wimbledon – one of the all time greatest grass players who was on great form throughout the tournament, including the final – made it all the more special.

when tsonga was interview after his semi-final in canada they asked him who he’d like to see in the final and he said federer, because it would make it more special and would show where he measured up with the best players. to me, that’s the mindset of a champion, not wishing your rival is hurt and/or in bad form.

that’s just my two cents, though.

jane Says:


Hippy Chicl Says:

Jane you do make alot of sense,for me i always derive more pleasure from Rafas wins against Novak especially the ones that come on the HCs,he gets very little credit for his CC wins anymore,but when he does it on HCs its a completely different feeling….

Hippy Chicl Says:

I wouldve been interesting in 2009,to see if Roger couldve stolen the Wimbledon trophy back from Rafa,Andy Roddick was an amazing player but not in the same class as Rafa as an opponent,IMO it wouldve been exciting to have seen Roger try to take back the title by beating the guy who had beaten him the year before,again no harm or foul just summizing??

Giles Says:

What the hell is wrong with wanting an easy life, eh?? Why does one (in this case Rafa) want to get embroiled in a potential 4-5 hr match? So if Rafa beats joker as against say Berdych you think it’s greater “glory”?? At this level surely the glory is in winning, doesn’t matter who you had to beat to win!!
Rafa is a proven thoroughbred, he doesn’t need to face and win against joker to keep proving himself! He has done that several times in his career.

jane Says:

that may be your opinion giles, but i am sure mac and borg value their wins against each other more than they value you “easy” wins against lesser rivals. that’s one of the things that makes sports special – the tense and tough rivalries. would you rather watch a french open final rout or a wimbledon final rout like rafa’s wins against ferrer and berdych at those slams, or would you rather watch him beat fed on grass and nole on hard courts? i guess you find the former just as glorious at the latter? well, not me in the case of nole’s wins.

Giles Says:

It all depends on how arrogant you are. For me, a win is a win, don’t matter who is on the other side of the net.

calmdownplease Says:

`Uncle.T meant here was if Nole was to have an unconvential USO HC swing then the players Rafa included will recognize that Nole is beatable`

At least he was honest, if rather gauche.
Rafa quite often jokes that, when faced with a choice, he’d rather have an easier player to play.
It’s one of his little party jokes at the on court interviews and is quite amusing.
But this thing about Novak being unbeatable on a HC is strange to me. For verily he is most definitely `beatable` and has been beaten on the last 2 occasions at USO finals to boot.
Sorry guys but if Andy doesn’t make it(stop laughing its not that funny, the dude has a shot!), I really hope it’s not yet another Nadal/Novak final.
Another combination please!

jane Says:

rather, just wanting to pile up trophies as “easily” as possible can be seen as much more arrogant as it boils down to glory-hunting.

by contrast, wanting to face and conquer your chief rivals is more about facing challenges, which is what sports is all about!

cdp, i am not sure who said nole was unbeatable on hard courts? not me. definitely it’s his best surface, though, and if you look at the performance zone index, nole’s hc winning percentage is pretty strong, both on the year (last 52 weeks):


and career (all time):


calmdownplease Says:

It was the subtext of that line from H C and quite a few here that `ooooh Novak is unbeatable on HC`.
Novak is the BEST on HC but he is not unbeatable.
And although this has been covered his results are better on the slower HCs than the quicker ones.
If I’m honest I hope Novak doesn’t last the tourney in Cincy either that will make both Nadal and Novak equally under cooked.
But then I can get away with that more than Uncle T could.

Okiegal Says:

Well, they probably do value those wins…”wins” being the key word here…..but I still think human nature would come into play here. Who do you think Rafa wants to play in a final…Roger or Novak….For Roger…..Rafa or Novak…….for Novak…..Rafa or Roger?? Don’t know about the last scenario for sure. But common sense tells me when it gets down to the nitty gritty and the title, they want an opponent they think they have the better chance of beating. I played basketball and when we were in the state tournament we didn’t want to draw last year’s defending champion who had all their starters back first game. But if we had drawn that particular team and we beat them……bragging rights for sure…..that would mean something all right. When commentators asked that question at the on court interview who they had rather play next, they deep down in their soul want the one they feel they might have a chance beating, whether they answer truthfully or not. I will agree that the wins you get over your arch rival are rewarding, but to say if they had choice, I don’t think they would choose a player that had drilled them 20 times. Jo saying he wanted to play Federer…..he’s very beatable now. Rafa had rather play Fed too, as opposed to Novak. Regarding the answer Rafa gave concerning Novak……it was an honest answer from a true champion……imo.

calmdownplease Says:

Andy needs all the help he can get
Although I am thinking that he is quite near now.

jane Says:

not sure okiegal. roger never shyed away from facing nadal at roland garros and nor did rafa in facing fed at wimbledon. part of their storied rivalry comes from that – facing each other on the sports biggest stages. i still say those wins matter more. and i will bet that to the players themselves – most of them anyhow – they matter more.

sure a win is a win.

but some wins mean more than others, are more memorable than others, and are more exciting than others.

Daniel Says:

I think depends on their confidence level. When they are high on confidence, they want to beat the best. That’s why they say it was a privilege to be part of matches that matter more, like GS finals against the very best.

But in a way, they also wants a more beatable opponent. So maybe, deep down, they want the easiest one, but the greatest players don’t fold and face the challenge, that’s why the 3 of them specially have the more rate of victories.

Okiegal Says:

We have seen lots of amazing finals between these top athletes, very memorable for sure. I agree with Daniel’s last paragraph above.

@Jane ……I highly respect your opinion and agree with your post for the most part. You make some great points. Appreciate the feedback…..I guess we can agree to disagree some time!

Giles Says:

Just ask joker who he’d rather face in a final, Berdych/Ferrer or Rafa!!

jane Says:

“that’s why the 3 of them specially have the more rate of victories.”

daniel, that’s right, and it’s also why they have some of the greatest rivalries in the open era – not only in quality but in the sheer amount of times they’ve faced one another!

okiegal, indeed. i agree … to disagree. :)

Wog boy Says:


That is correct translation, thanks. I am just wandering if Vajda, Becker or even Edberg said the same for Rafa what would be reaction?

Wog boy Says:

^^ “wondering”

Patson Says:

Toni can be really childish sometimes. An example is his interview to Mats Wilander and Anabelle Croft after Rafa beat Rosol this Wimbledon. When asked whether they enjoyed it more because Rosol beat Rafa 2 years ago, he said something on the lines of

“This victory is more important becoz last time, Rosol do woof woof whenever Rafa hit a shot or serve”.

It may not be exactly what he said but the gist is the same. Really ? That’s the reason you wanted to beat Rosol ? I mean come on man. Granted Rafa is his nephew, but he needs to be more professional which he isn’t a lot of times.

Hippy Chic Says:

Jane i never Novaks unbeatable on HCs,but he is head and shoulders over the rest,and your relability index only proved that,IMO he will probably go down as the best HC there is by the time hes retired,anyway as i said earlier i dont defend everyhting Rafa does,but in just wondering if Uncle.T didnt quite mean it the way it sounded,you would have to think that if Novak goes into the USO with no titles,then Rafa and the others would think hmm Novaks not as invincible as he was,pretty much the same was said about Rafas form going into the FO,although he won it and Novak could still win the USO,regardless of the outcome at Cincy,when it gets to the GS all bets are off,as i said Toni couldve chose his words more carefully….

calmdownplease Says:

I have no problem with Novak being head and shoulders above everyone else on hard, I’m just not exactly sure it’s true.
And Novak going into the USO as a favourite is not the same as Nadal going into the FO as one!
But we’ve a ways to go on this.
I’m gonna put Novak as the favourite for the next 2 tournaments, for the time being at least.

metan Says:

Thanks @ Jane, I knew Tony is that type of person who often speak blatantly. Pretty shame for me. At least I admire his honesty eventhough it pained me.

Nirmal Kumar Says:

I think at this stage Rafa and Toni are fixed on overtaking Roger’s record. I don’t think they would care about HC masters anymore. Outside FO, USO has been his best slam in recent years. I believe he would be liking his chances more and only one realistic threat for him would be Novak. It’s not a surprise that Toni thinks it would be an advantage for his team if Novak comes slightly underprepared, considering how Rafa has not been able to train to his full capacity. I’m not sure if they are praying for Novak to lose early, but definitely things would be in even terms if Novak bows out early in both the HC Masters. It’s a fair assessment by Toni, not sure what is there to criticize him.

Hippy Chic Says:

CDP at the risk of keeping repeating myself,i dont think Rafas perfect,but be that as it may i dont believe this was as bad as it sounds,Toni couldve chosen his words better,no two ways about it,Rafa been favorite at the FO and therefore losing the smaller tournies leading to it would make people ask questions about his chances,Novak losing at the tournies leading to the USO granted, is probably a little different,as the USO is the most open open even though Novak would still be the favorite only just,so lets use the AO as an example insted then,wouldnt people ask questions about his form too with no wins leading upto that slam,this i believe is the gist of what Tonis saying,although i think it sounds alot more sinister than what it actually is,my two cents??

Elizabeth Howard Says:

I am sure people saw Novak Djokovic being coached from his box, hand signals from his coach during the final at Roland Garros.Very clear to see. So stop the nonsense and attacking the Nadals. Do you look at the behaviour of your champion? Not always the best!!

Okiegal Says:

@Elizabeth Howard

You are so right! I too have seen other coaches with their hand caught in the cookie jar a few times…..not just Tony. I believe he’s the only coach to admit it. They have all been guilty at one time or other….but just one gets called out!

Okiegal Says:

As per usual, a mountain made out if a mole hill. I wouldn’t want to face a rested healthy Novak while sporting a hurt wrist either? Is honesty not the best policy after all?? LOL It’s hilarious how everything that comes out of Rafa’s camp is a big deal. Popular guy, that Rafa!!

Okiegal Says:


I thought it was a fair assessment too.

jane Says:

sorry. as a coach toni’s good obviously and has been very successful with rafa, but he is arrogant and often says rude things, not only about others but about rafa too!

jane Says:

hi metan i get what you’re saying. i guess there is some merit to blatant honesty. but i don’t think it would go over with some of the other coaches/families if they said such things. what if edberg said, “oh i hope rafa says injured and can’t play the us open, it’s better for us”? or can you imagine if nole’s dad or coach said something similar?

to me, it’s not cool to wish bad form or early losses on another player, even a chief rival. that’s just me though, as i say.

jane Says:

*stays injured (not says)

Giles Says:

For goodness sake, Toni was joking when he made the comment. He laughed afterwards.
Lighten up!!

Okiegal Says:

Now we all know when the Spaniards answer questions in English or their native tongue there is a possibility of things being misconstrued. Maybe when trying to get their point across it just comes out wrong. These translations aren’t always right. I think people are reading something into this that’s just not there…..but right or wrong it’s out there. Whether Tony will defend himself remains to be seen.

Giles Says:

Toni has absolutely nothing to defend. He made a comment in jest. People can construe it any way they like. Move along ….

Okiegal Says:

Giles, I watched it…..if course didn’t understand a thing he said, but did notice he was smiling and laughing, which suggests to me that he was joking…..but don’t know for sure…..maybe….maybe not!! But this is Rafa and his camp and they will be picked to pieces over it.

Okiegal Says:

Did Tony have a reply to this? I missed it if he did.

jane Says:

well, which is it? some say he was being honest; others say he was joking. it’s difficult to know how to take it. anyhow i’ve said more than enough on the topic, so sorry – will leave it be.

Okiegal Says:


TBH today was the first day I watched it in its entirety…..there was lots of smiling. When it was first on the thread I played it but probably listened 30 seconds and that was it….being as I didn’t understand what was being said. So I now will agree too…….Which is it?? I’m done with the topic also!! Lol

Okiegal Says:

TX Staff

I like the green background myself…..or either the clay color!! Wink. Wink. LOL I know you can’t please everyone!!

jane Says:

okiegal do you think they change it according to the surface? wow, how appropriate. i didn’t even notice that before but you’re probably right.

Okiegal Says:


I think there was a clay color during clay season. Yes, I think that is the norm for TX.

Hippy Chic Says:

I dont think i actually said anything that couldnt be considered only objective,damn sorry that people got so upset about it all….

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