Juan Martin Del Potro Confirms Australian Open Withdrawal

by Tom Gainey | December 24th, 2016, 10:25 am

Juan Martin del Potro made it official Thursday withdrawing from the Australian Open to continue to recover his fitness in his body and his left wrist after busy last half of 2016.

“In 2017, I want to enjoy being healthy and knowing that I have the peace of mind,” del Potro said.

Del Potro will miss the Australian Open for the third straight year but he intends to return in February.

Ranked 38, del Potro would have been unseeded at the Australian unless he did very well in Auckland, but regardless he would have been a real threat in Melbourne.

The last time del Potro played all four Slams in the same season was 2012.

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51 Comments for Juan Martin Del Potro Confirms Australian Open Withdrawal

Willow Says:

Not exactly the ideal start to the year for Delpo, and hes not getting any younger, seems to be one set back after another, i dont think this top 10 ranking and amazing run people keep predicting, is ever going to happen sorry ….

rognadfan Says:

He’s been the typical case of ‘hope and disappointment’ for more than a year for me!. Hopefully, he comes back for the season after this absence.

Giles Says:

The man needs to work on his fitness instead of his ball bashing!

lakie Says:

Delpo is over hyped and apparently he believes all the hype.
According to BBC sports,
“He revealed earlier this week he was considering not playing in Australia next month, telling reporters: “Tennis waited for me for two years and it can wait one more Australian Open.””
Wow…tennis waited for him for 2 years…seriously???

Willow Says:

Agree with Giles and Lakie ….

el_matador Says:

what’s wrong in that statement,lakie and willow?what’s wrong with a man with so much injuries and surgeries being still positive and stating that if he’s fit enough again,he’ll be able to play again(tennis waited for me)?maybe I’m ignorant and he meant tennis world came to a standstill and no tennis was played for 2 years to mourn his loss?please educate me..

Willow Says:

I Didnt say there was anything wrong with his statement, and you have to be positive otherwise theres no point, im just not bying into the hype of amazing runs, top 10s, multiple GS etc, that keeps getting predicted, but never seems to happen ….

el_matador Says:

I think people wish rather than predict that he’ll be fit for extended period of time and will be a contender again..you don’t have to play your broken record for 1000000th time that he’s not getting younger blah blah

lakie Says:

Tennis waits for no one, not even Fedal. It is the height of delusional arrogance for Delpo to claim tennis waited for him. He has just 1 slam, no Masters and a career high ranking of 4. If people are going to hype him claiming he could have ruled the tennis universe but for his injuries, then what about Nadal or Murray? Nadal and Murray, despite defective bodies and injuries, especially Nadal who hasn’t played a full season since 2012, have a scintillating record both in slams and Masters. Ifs and might-have-beens have no value in sports. Delpo is talented but far from being a Colossus who strides the tennis world. The closest to that is Federer and even he did not make such a boastful claim when he took half the season off this year.

Willow Says:

TX Is full of people with broken records, im not the first and wont be the last, enjoy your boxing day, i certainly am, plenty of English Premier League Football to watch blah blah, dont feel like an argument, enjoying my day too much to have it spoilt blah blah ….

Wog Boy Says:

I don’t see anything arrogant in what Delpo said, on the contrary, just a fair statment, the facts that he was injured, couldn’t play the tennis, almost gave up on tennis, the game that he loves, he lives for and enjoy doing so. He never said “tennis world” or “tennis fans”, just the “tennis” as a game, his occupation his life. Same as a truck driver who lost his license or broke his arm would say “trucks were waiting for me” not the “truck industry was waiting for me”…see the difference? What on earth is arrogant in Delpo statment, just stating the facts?!
But, if you don’t like somebody, you will twist and turn his words, take them out of context…and lakie is very good in doing that, particularly when it comes to Nole, Willow is just the groupie, goes with anybody who she dimmed is capable of helping her cause, her famous statements start…

“Nothing against Nole, but…” or “Not all of us enjoy when one pleyers wins everything..”

of course as long as the name of that player is Nole, if it is Rafa or Andy then “all of us are enjoying, of course lakie (the person with nine lives on TX, so far five or six used) is more open and straightforward in her “love” for Nole…and now Delpo..

sinha71 Says:

He obviously means his own tennis waited for him. English is a second language for him so why can’t people give him the benefit of the doubt? When has he ever been arrogant in the past? It is not his personality.


lakie Says:

wog boy I am pretty straightforward always and I can assure you I am not Jalep. She is definitely one of the best posters here. But she is objective, tries to be rational, all of which are a no-no in the world of Djok fans which is kind of like “1984” imagined the world would be…

Wog Boy Says:

I know you are not, she was collateral damage, decoy.

J-Kath Says:

While I acknowledge fully Delpo’s potential and his unfortunate injuries, I fully went off him seeing him “in the flesh” at a Davis Cup where he sat and sulked while his Captain virtually prostated himself trying to convince him of…….who the heck knows what….the answer was definite Negative.

Have no problem joining in regrets for his injuries – but no longer convinced of the deserving “lovability” that abides within. Apologies to his fans.

PS: Am an Andy fan and acknowledge he also does not lend himself to “lovability” – but he is the real MacCoy as a human being – although don’t expect many to agree. Vive la difference!

lakie Says:

Agree with J-Kath. Delpo isn’t lovable and is not genuine. Seems to me to be a drama queen and foul mouthed to boot, saying bad things about other people’s mothers.

Humble Rafa Says:

Tennis balls everywhere are relieved at this news.

Danica Says:

In my opinion, as couple of posters said before, DelPo meant that his OWN tennis had to wait for him and being the case for 2 years straight, there was/is no harm in waiting for a few more weeks for him to be fully fit. I believe we, who do not have English as our mother tongue, can see and feel the difference. Sorry if that offends someone, but I believe it. Similarly, we defended him when literal translation of some swear words was fed to media. Please, appreciate when someone tries to express oneself in another language.

Willow Says:

I Never said he was arrogant, i think some people need to understand the context of my post, i just dont believe hes as angelic or nice as people believe, and i dont bye the hype surrounding him either ….

Willow Says:

And BTW Wogboy i dont hang onto anybodies coat tails, i have my own opinions which i stick by, its just that i happened to agree with Lakie in parts, and so what if not all of us want your precious Novak winning everything and actually want or cheer for someone else to actually want to win something i mean god forbid, doesnt make us haters, and calling a poster collateral damage and a decoy because she doesnt pander or massage your fragile male ego, for goodness sake man get a grip ….

el_matador Says:

j-kath,delpo’s 110% commitment to argentina davis cup team is why I love him and despite the injuries,he”s the one that has won the damn thing for Argentina finally..you don’t know what the captain was trying to convince him..maybe delpo thought what he was thinking was good for the team..you shouldn’t make an “explanation” based on that incident to tell us why he isn’t “lovable”..you can just say that you don’t like him,that’s totally ok..

Willow Says:

WB If you dont like somebody, you will twist and turn his words out of context, change one word from HIS to THEIR, and you are exactly right, because your exactly the same, its called POT, KETTLE, BLACK ….

lakie Says:

el_matador, Delpo did not play for his country when he wasn’t top dog. Heard of David Nalbandian?
So much for Delpo’s team spirit and love of country. I suppose Delpo’s conditions for playing were that all players including captain should prostrate themselves before him…

Shivashish Sarkar Says:

That is disheartening and certainly points to his lingering wrist issue. We can only try to imagine what it would have been like to have him around consistently all this while. His presence would have added great value to the tour. We can only hope that he finally manages to keep healthy from now on and makes an impact on the tour. Now, the chances for that are slim. But, we can only hope for the best.

el_matador Says:

lakie,go to the thread of argentina’s davis cup win and then ask me if I heard of nalby..btw,I won’t waste anymore time with clown like you..may god put mercy on your soul..keep troling

J-Kath Says:

El Matador:

You are entitled to your view and I can well understand it – why not? Please take comfort from the fact that many fans find him “lovable” – he can afford to lose one (for more reasons than Davis Cup sulking). As for his injury – I don’t wish that on anyone.

jalep Says:

Are we back to this? Thanks mentioning me in a positive light, lakie and Willow.

As far as Delpo goes, I’m with him through thick and thin. Vamos Delporko get yourself in shape and back to work!

lakie Says:

el_matador Dec 27th @ 1:12pm Says:
“lakie,go to the thread of argentina’s davis cup win and then ask me if I heard of nalby..btw,I won’t waste anymore time with clown like you..may god put mercy on your soul..keep troling”

el_matador, obviously your poor intellect could not bear the weight of facts and you resorted to name calling. Here’s something to keep you laughing:
What is common to el_matador and his bull: They both produce a load of bull*h*t

Okiegal Says:

There is a lot of name calling on TX…….I was called a hypocrite a couple of times…….

J-Kath Says:


I didn’t see that – you are the very last person that fits a “hypocrite” accusation.

Willow Says:

Jalep your welcome, and thanks for being objective enough that you would respect other people opinions, and agree to disagree, without the need for using personal insults ….

lakie Says:

Wrong JK, she absolutely fits the definition of hypocrite. She claims she is pro life but doesn’t mind gunning down of hundreds of innocent people even children due to lack of gun control. She is even in favor of carrying concealed guns. No other developed country supports this. Also Oklahoma has capital punishment. How do this woman’s values (pro life) support that?

BBB Says:

The politics thread was ugly, and I stayed out of it intentionally. I suspected the effects would be long-lasting.

J-Kath Says:

Lakie: As you know, the US Second Amendment is the right to bear arms. Not a subject that I wish to discuss generally or specifically. PS: Certain communities in the UK also have that right, i.e. the right to safeguard their homes and animals from danger.

For me, Okiegal is the most balanced and decent person on TX and I disagree that she is hypocritical.

el_matador Says:

plz forgive me as I said I wouldn’t waste anymore time with you but I have to kill some time in Internet and you are too much fun
a person who can’t grasp an english sentence after 3 persons explain it to him and then accuses others of having poor intellect is surely a clown
and thank god you think I produce bullshit..I definitely don’t want a clown to agree with what I think

Truth Says:

“Delusional arrogance” is mentioned by a rabid Fed fan, no doubt!
I’ve seen it all! Del Po, the smug one compared to Fed and his “fans”. LOL
Fed has been so “envy-worthy, social, nice, pretty and sportsmanlike”, they honored him for a decade with the honorable sportsmanship award!
His “fans” are so gracious, they brag about jealousy toward him…

How imaginative. The same Fed that can’t believe he was beaten by the “unliked, boring and unimpressive” Novak.
The same Fed that pretends to be humble now that he has been ill or injured for a long time! LMAO!

Maybe Novak believed the media so much that he had a major meltdown and tried to a giant smug prick too, like Fed. LMAO
The same “fact loving” lakie that doesn’t mind fetuses getting aborted, especially when that action is supported by Killary (not Trump).

Truth Says:

*tried tobe

AndyMira Says:

@Lakie…Okie lives alone..and she’s 70 years old..can’t she bear a gun for her safety?Who’s going to help her if someone or anything break in to her house?

PS…I love Okie very much..she’s one of the most respected posters here due to her age and experience…Can we at least respect her because of that?

BBB Says:

Andy, I enjoy Okie’s posts as well, but if you post your political views here, you expose yourself to criticism for them.

AndyMira Says:

@BBB…Thank you for your kind advice…and i appreciate it very very much and i never post about political views before,it’s too heavy for me and that’s it,just this once…Thanks again BBB…

PS…Hey BBB…this is for you..


lakie Says:

Sorry J-Kath I do not agree. Sorry Andy Mira. She has been stalking me and launching attacks. I was having some discussion with Danica and this woman pops up all uninvited and unprovoked and insults me. Now I was responding to el matador’s name calling and once again she interrupts and attacks me with a snide remark. She reminds me of a character in Catch 22 referred to as Nately’s wh**e (let us say NW). NW stalks Yossarian and without warning, at random moments, she keeps leaping out from hiding and trying to stab Yossarian with a knofe. This is a repetitive thing which keeps happening. At the end of the novel, Yossarian is leaving. “Nately’s wh*re was hiding just outside the door. The knife came down, missing him by inches, and he took off.”

BBB Says:

Lovely! Happy new year to you as well!

AndyMira Says:

@BBB…He he he…Thank you!Err…no picture for me?

BBB Says:

I’m too technically incompetent!

AndyMira Says:

That’s alright BBB..i’m just teasing you…Btw..hey..my late festive gift for you…


Okiegal Says:

Thanks Mira and JK……appreciate the vote of confidence! I don’t want to get back into that discussion again. Did some research and all of that talk was on the the thread “Sorry, I’m Going To Rain on Andy’s Parade”. It is plain who pounced on who first……..I was called self righteous….I responded and took up for myself like countless of other posters do on this forum.

BTW @lakie, at my age I don’t leap too far anymore! Oh, and you mentioned that the character had a knife?? Let’s outlaw them!! Lol!!

AndyMira Says:

@Okie…No problem and i think you did the right thing by not comment anymore…Politics is sucks and dangerous…and i don’t want your heart gives you trouble anymore…Hey,let’s forget everything and watch Rafa early tomorrow morning okay?VAMOS RAFA!!!

Okiegal Says:

I hope I can find his match on my computer being luv e streamed. Glad you mentioned that I need to start my research asap!! I’m on it……

AndyMira Says:

@Lakie…I’m in dilemma here…I love Okie and i like you as well,in fact i like everyone…How about we forgot the whole thing and start enjoy tennis again [starting tonight in my country]…Who’s your favourite Lakie?Btw…This is your late festive gift from me…


Willow Says:

AndyMira i feel exactly the same ….

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