Roddick Turns to Movies
What do people do when they are in a slump or feeling? On thing they might do is watch TV. Most watch regular programming on network or cable channels, but not Andy Roddick.
A recent story in the LA Times reveals that Roddick has turned to movies of himself in hopes of regaining his form.
It was also John’s idea to sit down and watch some game film, tapes of Roddick from the last few years. Andy Roddick was angered by a bad day at practice, and they skipped an afternoon session and watched the tapes, separately. The visuals helped illustrate what he’d been hearing.
“Some of it was pretty eye-opening,” Roddick said. “From the stuff I’ve been hearing, and then from everybody’s opinions, to see what actually took place, it wasn’t surprising, it was, ‘OK, I understand now.’ ”
Interesting stuff, let’s see how it works out…
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