Juan Martin del Potro: I Think I’m Playing Better Now Than When I Won The US Open

by Tom Gainey | October 14th, 2013, 10:46 am

It was a tough defeat for Juan Martin del Potro after losing yesterday in a final set breaker to Novak Djokovic in the Shanghai Rolex Masters final, but the Argentine confidently says his playing better now than when he stunned Roger Federer to win the 2009 US Open.

“I think I’m playing even better than many years ago,” del Potro said. “I got good things on my career this year. I couldn’t win a Grand Slam like I did in 2009, but I reach finals in the 1000 Masters. I already win three tournaments. I beat the top guys, which is fantastic for me.

“I think I’m playing even better than 2009 or 2008 or last year. That’s important. That’s a good thing for the future. I’m still having the same goal which is getting closer to the top guys. If I still working like this, I hope I can be there one day.”

Djokovic added his thoughts on del Potro’s game, saying, “Since his first Grand Slam title in 2009, we all knew has a caliber to be a top tennis player and always a contender to win any Grand Slam he plays on. With his serve and his game, for his height, he moves extremely well. He uses the court very good. He has a very good anticipation. He’s mentally really strong.”

Del Potro ends his two-week Asia stretch with a title in Tokyo and a runner-up in Shanghai where he also rattled Rafael Nadal’s cage. But losing to Djokovic was still a disappointment.

“I mean, the match was really close all the time,” del Potro said. “But in the end he play better points than me on tiebreak. He took the match.”

Del Potro also qualified for the London ATP Finals next month. Del Potro is scheduled to play in Basel next week.

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102 Comments for Juan Martin del Potro: I Think I’m Playing Better Now Than When I Won The US Open

Steve 27 Says:

He has up and downs, he had a ageat IW and then was defeated early in Miami. Australia and US Open his performance was awful. He beat Rafa brilliantly and push Djokovic very hard, but he need more mental strenght if he dreams to beat the top 3 more often.

holdserve Says:

Delpo isn’t year end no. 1 material but on his day he can beat the top 3. So the chances of he winning a slam are better than he being no. 1 as he was predicted to be after his 2009 USO win.
If Rafa and Muzz are fit next year and taking it for granted that Nole with his perfect body would be fully fit, Delpo won’t even win a slam in 2014.
His best hope in 2014 would be if Rafa is not fit and Muzz doesn’t fully recover from his back injury.
Anything can happen in tennis as we found last year when Rafa took a break from tennis.
However what seems certain is that if Fed continues to slump, Delpo will be top 4 and if his wrist holds up. he has more slams in him because Rafa will be more than 28 in 2015 and I don’t expect him to win multiple slams in a year after 2014.
If Muzz is not fit at Wimbly, Delpo can win Wimbly. If Nole relaxes and Rafa reverts to his pre-2013 hardcourt level, USO could be Delpo’s.
I don’t think Delpo can win AO as long as the current trimvirate is in action as all three are good at AO with it being Nole’s strongest surface. But he definitely has a chance at RG in 2015 or after. Just as Nole has. Nole could even win it n 2014 because he is the second best player on clay after Rafa and Rafa will be 28 next year.
Nole’s prowess on clay was not apparent because in practically every RG, he was in Rafa’s half. Had he been in Fed’s half, we would have seen more Rafa-Nole RG finals before 2011.

Ben Pronin Says:

“Had he been in Fed’s half, we would have seen more Rafa-Nole RG finals before 2011.”

Baseless assumption.

Rumble Says:

Well, 2011 Fed miraculously beat Djoke in the French semi – otherwise that was the year Djoke had the best chance of beating Nadal at the French. He had just beaten Nadal twice on clay, straight sets. Nadal was not playing that well – he had 3 tough sets against Federer (lost one of them) in the French Final. Djoke would have beaten him (Nadal), had he reached the final.

As for the future – always hard to predict, but Delpo and Murray are both going to find it awfully hard to reach No. 1 as long as either Nadal or Djoke are playing well (right now both are). And by then they will be too old.

I am hoping for a new, younger champion to emerge next year. Just don’t know who.

serve-voly Says:

delpo needs to improve voly and play it more often. he will never be no.1 without that

serve-voly Says:

if he could connect his excelent forhend and serve with good voly that would be winning combination.

hawkeye Says:

Rumble Says:
Djoke would have beaten him (Nadal), had he reached the final.

Baseless assumption.

Losing a set to Fed doesn’t mean you’re not playing well (even if it is on his weak surface) and best of three on clay is a far cry from best of five.

holdserve Says:

Clearly Fed did not want Djokovic in his half at RG!
What Fed wants, Fed gets, thanks to his powerful sponsors who dictate everything from schedules to court allotments and time slots each day. From the draws we got which defy the laws of random chance, it is clear that the draws too must have been as per Fed’s convenience. So if he kept getting Nole in non clay slams and Muzz in clay slams, that must have been Fed’s preference.
That Fed is better than Nole on RG clay is a baseless assumption as Fed has beaten Nole just once at RG.

Sirius Says:


Sirius Says:

^and im not talkin about delpo

hawkeye Says:

Yes the draws were very suspect in majors from 2008-2011. Statistically improbable. 10,000:1.

I don’t think it had anything to do with Fed (other than tournament directors, sponsors and broadcasters wanted him in the final. Just another “clown’s” opinion (but the stats aren’t).

Ever notice that it is always some of the Fed fans that end up resorting to personal insults?

hawkeye Says:

Ajde courbon!!! Vamos txhc!!! Allez perfectfan!!!

courban (Nole), txhc (Rafa) and perfectfan (Fed) are the perfect fans on tennis-x. Of course there are many others. But they are very fair minded and post intelligently without personal insults.

However, when you call yourself perfectfan, can you really be a perfectfan??? :)

Hypothetically yes. Technically no.

I kid! I kid!

holdserve Says:

Fed’s clay record .766 career and current .706
Djokovic .774 career and current .833.

Djokovic is in the middle of his prime so claiming that Djokovic is better on clay has basis whereas claiming that Fed is better is not borne out by his record on clay.

holdserve Says:

Fed fans resort to personal insults against Rafa fans and all kinds of baseless allegations against Rafa because they have no rational arguments or facts to counter reality.

holdserve Says:

Oh Sirius were you talking about yourself?

skeezer Says:

“Fed fans resort to personal insults against Rafa fans”
A baseless assumption……….again.lol.
H&H show is baaacck…..

hawkeye Says:

Not baseless at all IMO. Since I’ve started reading Tennis-X, I’ve only seen personal insults from 3-4 posters, all Fed fans.

Otherwise posters including the vast number of Fed fans have not resorted to personal insults.

skeezer Says:

^ L M A O !!
Look in the mirror, thats where it all started before “you”. And it all doesn’t start with “you”. So its not all about “you”.
Apparently it just proves you are a newbie….fact.
The first cut is the deepest….and the h&h jealous routine has been easily seen in the posts. Whoops…..

holdserve Says:

The jealous routine is by posters like skeezer, Ben and mat. Shall we call that the s-b-m jealous routine?

holdserve Says:

skeezer, I guess you can say the allegation is baseless if Sirius was referring to himself as clown. Probably all the personal insults which I thought were aimed at Rafa fans are actually Fed fans chastising themselves in an introspective vein.
If so my apologies. Ah dear skeezer and co, you guys will take the first prize in self flagellation!

skeezer Says:

^yawn &
No oh dimwit one the Clown reference was at u 2, lol.
Now your accusing all posters of Rafa un love?….lol.
You 2’s posts speak for themselves, no need here to add.
Post on with the self serving un-objectiveness, heee heee!

Others here know better…
When Tennis subject matters, we all cannot count on yous..


holdserve Says:

skeezer, your post seems to be gobbledygook. Another specialty of Fed fans in addition to self flagellation?
Since I am a newbie, I seek enlightenment when the oldie speaks what appears to be gobbledygook but no doubt just as the insults were actually self flagellation, this gobbledygook must be crystallized wisdom.

btf Says:

Del Potro has always been a fighter, with his powerful serve and strong forehand, although he lacks the volleying skills of The Big Four, not to mention drop shots and smashes. Hopefully he finds it in himself to step up his mental game along with an improved all-round game, primarily volleying skills and the confidence associated with it.

He could be a strong contender for Masters and Grand Slam titles, perhaps in 2015, 2016, or even next year, however this largely depends on the form of each member of The Big Four.

I still believe Federer is a contender for Masters and Grand Slam (Wimbledon more than anything else) titles next year, assuming he can muster up some of the confidence he once had, and adjusting his tactics to suit his current physical and mental state.

Also, Nadal is undoubtedly ageing and his competitive form may significantly taper off during 2015 or 2016, due to his recurring injuries and the sheer stress he puts on his body by playing the hugely physical way he plays.

Murray’s future in tennis isn’t certain yet either as he has had a back injury plaguing his season this year (hopefully completely fixed by surgery), but only time will tell how he rebounds in 2014.

Djokovic definitely looks very strong, given his lack of injuries and that he is more than a year younger than Nadal, he should outlast Nadal by at least two years.

If Del Potro realises how much potential he has and steps up his game accordingly, he will undoubtedly become a major contender for significant championships in the future.

skeezer Says:

“gobbledygook” does not seem a manly term, but whatever, we all knew who you(s) are. After all its close to Halloweenieness.
As far as fartness, you should know those sounds well, in that the effersentence smell permenates in your every post of Rafanatic-ness.
Great post!

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Agree with btfs post,however i also believe alot of its down to physical fitness,Delpo seems to get out of breath even in best of 3 set matches,the top 3 can outlast lesser players on the tour even when 2 sets down,by wearing them down physically in best of 5 set matches,something i dont think Delpo has that luxury of.

Michael Says:

After Roger, if there is another player in the Tennis Circuit who has the style, elegance, grace, sublimity, as well as brutal power in his repertoire, it can only be Del Potro. I cannot think of another player who makes the game look so simple by his easy play. It is pleasing to watch the way he serves without an effort and hit those bludgeoning forehand cross court shorts unsettling his opponents. His double handed back hand too sometimes matches the ferocity of his murderous forehand. Above all, he has an all court game which fits into the category of a versatile player. What may be lacking in his game is his ability to volley out of trouble and that may be due to his unusual height which makes it difficult for him to bend. Despite such talent, it is unfortunate that he is yet to realize his full potential. The prospect of him going into the top three is very bright and I expect him to win some more majors as well as Master series titles.

SmashingAces Says:

BTF – Great comment! The potential DelPotro has is fantastic. On his day he can take any of the top 3 apart!
2014 is going to be very interesting for Potro, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens!

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Michael i have to disagree somewhat sorry,i think Delpo hits shots very hard and deep,and the serve is sublime, but i think alot of the time he looks lumbersome around the court,i dont think he does make the game look easy and effortless like Roger,i would say the only player that comes close would be Andy,whos movement around the court when hes on top of his game is superb and very versatile,but thats JMO sorry.

hawkeye Says:

Neat summary of masters 1000 winners and dominance of Top 4 EXCEPT Paris where Top 4 won only 2 in last 8 years!

Madrid and Miami won by Top 4 7 of last nine,

IW, Madrid, Cincy 8 of last nine.

MC, Rome, Canada won by one of Top 4 exclusively last nine years!


holdserve Says:

Ah skeezer as long as you agree your posts are gobbledygook, it doesn’t matter if gobbledygook doesn’t sound manly.
Re your below remark
“As far as fartness, you should know those sounds well, in that the effersentence smell permenates in your every post of Rafanatic-ness.”
I don’t remember talking about fartness. It seems to be your obsession, maybe you are an expert on it having had your own personal portable laboratory your whole life to evaluate the smells.

holdserve Says:

Del Potro elegant, graceful? Anything but.
He has powerful shots. Somebody described him wielding his racket like the hammer of Thor and that description seems apt as when he hits the ball, you can hear the thunderous crack.
Apparently his arms are longer than the norm.
Anyway, I don’t see him as the no. 1, just a top 4.
And, yes, a potential slam winner.
If Fed does indeed fade away, Del Po’s rise is to be welcomed because then it would ensure the 2 halves of the draw are balanced.

hawkeye Says:

holdserve, the difference is that I can easily find posts from those few fed “fans” with personal insults whereas he cannot. As I said before, baseless.

Getting tight in the RTL. Wins by tournament top seeds Reeeshard in Moscow and Jo-T in Vienna would push Fed down to the second alternate spot at No. 10.

holdserve Says:

hawkeye, interesting post about Masters.
I hope Del Po becomes consistent enough to become top 4 and win slams and Masters.
As for Potro claiming he is playing better than ever, does not Fed also claim that he is playing better now than he did in 2003-2007, it is just that some points don’t go his way as often as they used to?

ID Fan Says:

Delpotro should be a future no.1. 2014 is going to be a tussle between him, Nole and Andy.

Should be great for tennis.

hawkeye Says:

^^^… for the No. 2 spot.

jatin Says:

lol, somebody taking to his sock puppet again. Keep going man.

As for delpo, yes i do think his game is better than ever and if he could work on his mental strength a bit more than he could easily wrap up at least 1 of the slam next year.
In his day he could beat anyone, ao i hope he would come back stronger than ever.

Guys it looks like roger is not going to qualify for atp finals. Tsonga just went ahead in race rank, displacing roger.
can you imagine Wtf without Roger ?

jatin Says:

Talking not taking lol

hawkeye Says:

I’d rather talk to a sock puppet (whatever that means) than to have nothing left but personal insults).

jatin (a fed fan I presume), thanks for reinforcing my point.

Don’t be so hard on your guy. Tsonga still trails Fed in the Race and can only pass him this week by making the finals and Fed could still be in the last spot. FAR from looking like he won’t qualify.

So chillax dude.

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Seems funny now that 2014,will be a tussel between Novak,Andy,Delpo,when correct me if im wrong isnt Rafa now the world number 1?so are we all of a sudden to assume that he wont be a factor come 2014?seems strange but whatever hmmm.

M Says:

TXHC – I think (just a theory) fans have finally started to acknowledge that as hard as it is to claw one’s way to the Number One spot, especially with so many contenders fighting consistently for the honor, that it might well be twice as tough to hold onto it as it was to get it.

2008 and 2010 were golden years for Rafa (literally). 2009 and 2011, not so much. In 2011, so many called Nole the new superpower, but it’s not like he was able to hold onto that for 2012 and 2013.

Injury, family issues, fatigue, and the rise of another player can take the toll on any #1’s hold on the sport … which, ironically, turns into one of the reasons why we watch.

It’s a theory.

hawkeye Says:

Nah, ID Fan is obviously referring to the No. 2 spot but, even though I’m a Rafan, I wouldn’t assume Rafa has 2014 sewn up already lol.

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

M yeah i see what your getting at,but you missed my point,im not saying he will dominate everything like this year,2008 or 2010,and actually 2009,2011 were still pretty solid years,as he was only beaten by one player playing kyrptonite tennis in 2011,2009 he was pretty consistent till the injury that derailed him,but when he returned he was still making the semis and finals of some tournies,i just find it strange some people would write him off from been a factor so suddenly,due to him losing in the last two tournies,but whatever hmmm.

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

It will be interesting next month when the WTF starts as to which group Delpo will fall in,Rafas or Noles?

James Says:

ID Fan Says:

Delpotro should be a future no.1. 2014 is going to be a tussle between him, Nole and Andy.
Should be great for tennis.

October 15th, 2013 at 2:02 pm

Del Potro will not be #1 in 2014.
He is yet win a masters 1000. You can’t expect him to win a slam and 3-4 masters in a season which he’s never done in his career before.

If Nadal has a good clay season next year, hard to see him losing the #1 ranking before the North American HC swing next year.

Nadal will have many points to defend in 2014, but he will also have points to gain from the AO (2000), Miami (1000), Wimbledon (1990), Halle (250), that’s more than 5000 points!

Rafa actually stands a chance to be the YE #1 even in 2014.

In theory, it’s very much possible.

“You can never write off a guy like him (Nadal)”
– Roger Federer

James Says:

I hope Delpo, Novak, Andy, all will have a good 2014.

When was the last time any of them defeated Nadal in a slam though? Since the AO 2012, Nadal is 3-0 vs Djokovic in slams!

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

James great set of posts,seems a lttle bit of perspective would not go a miss sometimes,Rafa loses a couple of matches and boom,not a factor anymore pftt.

holdserve Says:

Rafa always talks with his racket and knees willing he is going to do it again and dominate for most of 2014.
Delpo is talented but he is yet to prove he can be talked of in the same breath as Rafa, Nole and Muzz. Despite Muzz being in the top 4 consistently for 4 years, winning several Masters and being in the finals of 4 Gs, people asked what Big 4, there’s only Big 3. Now he has won 2 slams and been to totally 6 GS slams and he is still not considered a future no. 1.
Delpo has reached only 1 slam final (and won only 1 slam) and zero Masters. He has been top 4 for only a a short while.
And he is 1 year younger than Muzz and Nole. It isn’t as if he is just a teenager. He has been around for a while.
How can he be talked of now as a future no. 1? Let him win another slam and a couple of Masters and then we can say he is fit to be considered a true rival for Rafa, Nole and Andy and a potential no. 1. Frankly, I don’t think Delpo is consistent enough to be a long term no. 1. He may reach No. 1 for a few weeks.
Till his results speak, he is just another talented guy.

holdserve Says:

Hippy chic, let us not worry about the haters who are always ready to discount Rafa.
Danny Morris shouted from the roof tops that Rafa would never win on anything other than clay and that Rafa was scared to face players on other surfaces after his defeat by Rosol on grass. Danny claimed that’s why Rafa had taken a break and would take a break again after the clay season.
And what happened? Rafa came and conquered Nole on hard courts in Canada and USO!
Rafa is not scared of facing anyone anywhere. He fears only his knee.
I feel he is going to have a great 2014. Also I know that nothing is going to silence his haters who are eventually going to drown in their bile!!!

Brando Says:

Ah, so Contador’s back on fine form as ever then.

So what’s the latest musing on TX:

A Rafa less tennis landscape in 2014? Why it’s the dream of a true Rafa hater!

This anti Rafa crap is such a steaming dose of ******************.

Frankly speaking:

I’ve had enough of this rubbish.

Rafa fans:

You know how it goes regarding thoughts on Rafa from certain quarters.

Your not dumb to not realize the obvious reality regarding views about him from certain sections of the opposing crowd, so a simple request:

Just ignore the rubbish.

Do not respond to it, enquire about it, look to reason with someone about it- just in a straightforward manner: ignore the BS.

Rafa does not need defending from such nonsense, and more importantly: you should not waste a precious moment of your life recognizing that bile and engaging in it.

Sometimes ignorance is a bliss: it certainly is when relating to such rubbish. So in brief, blunt request please:

Just ignore the crap!

Thanks in advance to those who pay heed to such request.

Okiegal Says:

You have heard of rag arm in baseball?? Well, what I can see happening in Del Po’s game is RAG WRIST….if he keeps hitting as hard as he does…He will be injured again and won’t be winning anything….just saying. I think he is a very good player but I am concerned about the wrist issue. He has been down that road before. Best of luck to him!!

In the meantime……..VAMOS RAFA….take care of yourself for the best you can be in 2014.

skeezer Says:

“Rafa always talks with his racket and knees …”.
Yes obviously ……he always talks with his knees….no?

Don’t see a “contador” posting here, uh?
Now you are doing the Rafa fan rallying cry? So funny. Yes, you are the leader, listen to Brando!

H&H…the sock puppet laughathon goes on….just *scroll*.

Here is the layest dump from rafafanatics…. Delpo beats Rafa with an apparent Rag Wrist. Too bad, apparently, that Delpo wasn’t 100%, probably would have given him(Nadull)a worse beatdown, no?

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Holdserve i seem to have a fairly good raport with all the fan groups on this forum for the most part anyway,even the poster you mentioned as i actually took his posts with a pinch of salt,he predicted a straight set beatdown for Andy against Nole at the final of Wimbledon,and that Rafa wouldnt win anything of clay,and made alot of peoples lives a misery with his bullying in the process especially Margots,and failed miserably with his predictions on all count,and hasnt been seen here since,i always find it funny when posters try to pass off their own personal oppinions as bona fide facts,although ive never had a problem with constructive critisism.

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Always been a fan of Delpo,actually i would put him 3rd on my list of favorites after Rafa and Andy,but i do agree with some of the posts from fans like Oakiegal and James,he could possibly make the top 4,and i hope he is going to reach that 2009 form that won him the USO,and be a contender at the GS again,but the thing for me would be consistency,best of 3 sets is different to best of 5 sets,which is where he has also lacked some physical fitness,he hasnt actually made a GS final since winning the USO in 2009,and has lost matches in GS to lesser players like Chardy at the FO,and also early this year at the USO,and has yet to win a Masters 1000 series title,to win a GS these days requires beating two or sometimes three top players back to back,which he hasnt done since winning that USO in 2009,add to that its 5 years since,and things get harder every year not easier,however hes heading in the right direction,i just think its too early to be talking about number 1 rankings and winning multiple Masters or GS in 2014,or the demise of this particular player in favour of that paricular player,a little perspective is all im talking about.

Perfect fan Says:

Hey folks….so sad to have missed out 2-3 days action on T-X due to a troubling tooth….had to go for a root canal finally.

Well! JMDP’s loss in the sunday final was heart-breaking to say the least….wat character and wat flair he shown in his las 2 matches….commendable. I am still upset with his lost chance, but happy to see him in such good form.

Also, good to see nole gaining in confidence with each tourney….aftr watching him in wimby final, I was fearing he had some major confidence issue. He played a strong and solid match to edge past delpo in that thriller….probably nole’s incredible mental strength was the diff that bore the outcome.

Also gotta say this….i wud absolutely love delpo to win wimby next :)

Giles Says:

And I would absolutely love Rafa to win Wimbledon next year!

Perfect fan Says:

@ Giles: I strongly believe rafa is one of the hot favourites to win wimby 2014….further after two successive failures, rafa will be itching to prove his mettle next year.

Also, andy is looking invincible on grass these days….i think it will be a rafa-andy final next year….wat a mouth-watering prospect that wud be :P….rafa has defeated andy in all his previous wimby matches….andy will be pumped up this time if they meet….

Actually, I was desperately waiting for this match up this year….but unfortunately, it was not supposed to be :(

Giles Says:

@ Perfect Fan. A Rafa/Andy final at Wimbledon, I like the sound of that. They have only ever met in semis there. Hope Andy will be fit by then but not too fit to beat Rafa. Lol

Perfect fan Says:

@ Giles:

“Hope Andy will be fit by then but
not too fit to beat Rafa.”

Does that mean, u fear a completely fit andy will beat rafa for sure…. ;)

Giles Says:

@ Perfect Fan. Not “for sure” but he always gives Rafa a hard time. So, who knows. Hope Rafa plays some pre- Wimbledon grass court tennis this time around so giving him good preparation unlike 2012 and 2013.
Vamos Rafa!

hawkeye Says:

“H&H…the sock puppet laughathon goes on….just *scroll*.”

Contradicting himself yet again. Nothing new on that front.

Don’t worry, indoor season (albeit a potentially shortened one for a certain genius) is finally here.

Hopefully for Fed the air conditioning won’t create too windy conditions.

Margot Says:

…And I would absolutely love Andy to defend his Wimbledon title next year…:)

Perfect fan Says:

@ Margot: Never realised, u r a muzza fan !!

Brando Says:


I’m with you on a Rafa v Muzza Wimby final: that would be spectacular.

I think right now going forward Andy is the undisputed best player on grass.

His talent, his game, home support and his performance in the last 4 grass events he has played just solidified that position for him.

It’s justified to think he’s the man on grass.

Yet: I think a on song Rafa is the ONLY guy who really can say:

I can face Andy at his best on grass and still consider myself to have more than a good chance of beating him.

And it’s for a reason:

1. Natural talent:

Rafa is the ONLY player not named Boris Becker to have reached the 3rd round of Wimbledon aged 16.

You don’t do such a thing unless you have the talent to play on grass.

2. Pedigree:

Barring a certain Roger Federer who else post 2000 can say they match or better:

– 2 Wimbledon titles
– 5 finals
– Played 5 events, reached 5 finals

No one can. And pedigree matters.

3. Crowd favorite:

ONLY Rafa and Roger can nullify Andy’s immense crowd support at Wimby. This matters quite alot IMO.

4. Matchup:

Rafa is Andy’s toughest opponent on tour. Muzza has even said this publicly. Add in a 3-0 record v Muzza at Wimby then ONLY a fool will write off Rafa’s chances v Andy at Wimby.

It’s true that Andy has improved since the last time these 2 have met on tour.

Yet: a quick examination of Rafa’s results this year, his performance during the USO series is enough evidence to suggest that Andy is not the only one to have improved his game.

I won’t say who’ll win out of my 2 favs but I will say that:

ONLY a fool would dismiss Rafa’s chances v Andy at Wimby.

Time will tell if it happens: I for one hope it does.

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Rafa and Andy are my favorite players in that order,also we have never had a Murray/Nadal final in a GS as yet,so i hope they are on opposite sides of the draw to make it a possibility,as much as i love what Rafas done at RG,what i would relly love now,is for him to win some more none clay GS too,however like Margot as a Brit i would love for Andy to defend Wimbledon,but i would also be happy for a Rafa threepeat,i would also be delighted if Rafa were to defend a none clay GS like the USO next year,with both Nole and Delpo at the top of their game,it should make for an interesting and exciting year,cannot wait.

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Margot that was a nice thing you said about Nole after his win on Sunday,i have to say after Wimbledon i know Jane said that she was no longer posting on the tennis x forum, as the joy of posting has gone for her,but i was pretty surprised that she didnt stop by to congratulate Andy,youself and all his fans,especially given that Andy was her second favorite,and the friendship the two of you shared,as you always gave all the Nole fans the heads up,it rather annoyed me TBH,sorry if im speaking out of line here.

Perfect fan Says:

I’ve a strong feeling that rafa and andy will face off in at least one of the slams in ’14….and both currently playing their best so far.

I am having goosebumps jus by the thought of their match up. Certainly will be a cracker of a contest, if they meet on any surface but clay. I am so disappointed that both could not meet this year with both being in such prime forms.

Given their current form, i’ll pay to see a GS final match between these two (except RG).

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Perfect Fan you,ve said what im really hoping for,i love them both,and would love a final in a GS between the two of them,and its long overdue IMO.

Perfect fan Says:

^meant to say, rafa and andy will face off in at least one of the GS finals in ’14.^

Perfect fan Says:

Alison….i hope u get ur wish fulfilled in 2014 AO itself….comm’n giv me a hi5.

Sorry Courbon ;)….. we r bored of nole taking AOs without breaking a sweat. I hope he completes his career slam by winning FO instead….sry alison ;)

So wud u guys wish for me that fed will get his 8th Wimby title nex yr….comm’n thats a fair deal I think….wat say? :)

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Perfect Fan LOL myself and Courbon have it all sorted with Uncle T and Marian Vjada that Rafa will win the AO,and Nole will win the FO,as its all gravy for Rafa at the FO,i dont think i would be too dissapointed anyway,as regards Wimbledon i would love Andy to defend it,Roger can have the USO as everything for him is gravy now,it would be seriously spooky now if all this were to come true,still whatever is good enough for Jamie is good enough for me lol.

Perfect fan Says:


Yeah….it will be pretty spooky if all we talkin abt does come true.

I personally wud love to see the following results in ’14:

W – RAFA (DELPO cud wait and I m sure he’ll win one day)
UO – FED (If not then Delpo)

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Perfect Fan i am a little bit pyschic anyway,or as my husband says pyscotic lol,anyways i love yours too,i just want the AO for Rafa,so he would then have two career GS.

courbon Says:

@ Perfect Fan: I’m afraid the deals are already made.Mr.Federer has a 17th GS ( it’s enough!) so I’ll give him World Tour Finals for the next year.Thats a fair deal.
So it will be like this:
USO- Delpo
Spoke to Vajda, Judy, Franco and Tony and everybody are OK with this…

Perfect fan Says:

@ Alison: Ur suggestion is accepted….i actually 4got that stat for rafa….wud b great if he does that. :)

@ courbon: NO-WAY !!
COMM’N man….ur guy is in supreme touch these days….is young, getting married….so much is happening for him already….and jus think abt me….neither my guy is playing well, 4get it he is being beat up by guys like delbonis(ever heard the name)….and u say, enough for him….u hurt me real bad. So, wish for 1 more slam for my guy nex year and i’ll be on ur side for the rest of my life (post fed-retirement though ;) )

courbon Says:

@ Perfect Fan:…..Ok, since I like Fed a lot, I’ll make a deal.I will call Franco and tell him that Delpo is getting World Finals ( and I promised him definetelly slam in 2015 )and your man is getting US Open.But this is the last, OK!!??… for this I expect life time supply of swiss chocolates

Perfect fan Says:

Yipeeeeeee….courbon DEAL!! :))

& for the chocolates….i vl hav to contact roger….and lets c if we could sign some deal with Lindt for ur lifetime wish.

BTW, rog is furious on me for agreeing to sign this Deal with u….he says Lindt is going to make a huge hole to his pocket. I somehow did manage to pacify him saying the 18th slam is indeed going to be very lucky 4 him ;)

courbon Says:

@ Perfect Fan: Tell Roger that with 18th slam there is no way Rafa can catch him…so couple of tons of chocolate is nothing comparing to that.

Perfect fan Says:


Margot Says:

Lol Perfectfan, r u Rogie’s new coach too, as well as his slam manager and chocolate adviser….;)
BTW I’ve loved Andy since he was a VERY stroppy teenager. *wub*

Perfect fan Says:

Yo margot….good to hear that. :)

I mus say, andy is playing some scintillating tennis off late….his court coverage is unmatched.

Saw the wimby final this year….& he seemed like a ghost floating on grass and chasing every shot that novak threw at him. Novak was simply stunned to say the least….mind u novak didn’t play bad in that match at all :)

Nina Says:

@Tennis X Hippy Chic – You surely like to dish for no reason, Jane and me have been around here much much longer than you do. You have no bussiness saying how we should post or when… for god’s sake get a grip on yourself.

Steve 27 Says:

this is great video for all “nostalgic” fans:
Stockholm Open 2011: When tennis legends were kids

Margot Says:

@Perfect Fan
Nice words re Andy, very nice :)

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Nina no need to get testy, your quite right people are entitled to blog whenever they choose,no harm or foul or anything,just thought it would,ve been nice if Jane had congratulated Andy and Margot,and all his fans,given how close they both were,and especially given how often Margot returned the favour to Nole,also i dont beleve it matters whos been here the longest,we are all the same,all on an equal footing here,the more the merrier :))..

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

^Just to say i suppose its easy to be a fan,and stick around when your favorite is doing so well,totally different when ones favorite is struggling,however there will always be the diehard fans,stay around through thick and thin,an overall generalisation,not picking on any one fan group^.

Bad Knee Rules Says:

@Nina- good one!!

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Bad Knee Rules just to let you know,i actually have a great raport with all the fan groups on this forum,but as the saying goes,you can please some of the people some of the time,but you cant please all the people all of the time,as regards Jane i enjoyed her posts,and i think its a shame shes not here anymore,maybe she will return at some point who knows? :))..

Bad Knee Rules Says:

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
Wayne Dyer

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Alot of it goes on here,its part and parcel of been on an internet forum,we judge each other we judge the player,so what?ive been on the recieving end myself,no need to preach?ive made my point ill leave it at that.

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Back to tennis anyway,Steve 27 thanks for the link,so funny,and very cute.

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

Perfect Fan just to highlight what Margot said,that was really sweet about what you said about Andy,i would hope that final is only the start of bigger and better things to come,he was indeed superb,your right Nole played a great match too,but there was not much he or anyone could,ve done against Andy in that vien of form.

Bad Knee Rules Says:

It is just as cowardly to judge an absent person as it is wicked to strike a defenseless one. Only the ignorant and narrow-minded gossip, for they speak of persons instead of things.
Lawrence G. Lovasik

James Says:

Bad Knee Rules Says:

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
Wayne Dyer

October 17th, 2013 at 7:18 am

Coming from someone with the moniker ‘Bad Knee Rules’!

Why not ‘Bad Back Rules’? Is the Knee better than the Back?

Tennis X Hippy Chic Says:

OK fair enough sorry my apologies,you should mark that and post it to many posters on this forum,such is the hypocrisy and the double standards that go on here,as Skeezer would say OUT.

hawkeye Says:

Bad Back Rules aka Nina, 10-21.

hawkeye Says:

From SI’s Tennis Mailbag this week…

Why is it only in tennis that you find people who still think that players of yesteryear could stay on the court with today’s top players? Someone just recently asked why you pick Serena over Margaret Court. You have to be fairly close-minded to think Court could stay on the court with Serena.
— Tony, Greenwich, Conn.
• If the players of yesterday were indeed better — if times in swimming and running and cycling did not go down; if we thought George Best was a better player than, say, Lionel Messi; if we suspected Babe Ruth could hit Justin Verlander better than a contemporary batter — your sport would be in trouble.

Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/tennis/news/20131016/roger-federer-mailbag/#ixzz2hzOpX2Xe

Indeed. Past and present yada yada yada you know the rest.

John Says:

”Its Killing me” and ”10:21” seems to be all that this sore-eye has to say.

Try say something else will you.


lol, seems like everyones scrolling Sore-eye and hold-eye these days. Two lazy eyes, just cant catch a break today.

Like another poster said, ”talking to a sock puppet”. lol.

Thank god for scroll.

hawkeye Says:

October 17th, 2013 at 7:50 am

Great post TXHC. Too true.

hawkeye Says:

John, well you (and other “scrollers”) are only doing so AFTER reading and responding to my posts.


skeezer Says:

^he never said he read your posts. It only takes a glance to see the name of the poster, then you *scroll*. You don’t have to read anything after that.
Get with the program. You said whaaa?

hawkeye Says:

Could have sworn you were one of the “scrollers”.

You must only read the ones of interest. Such talent.

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