Novak Djokovic’s Diet: Warm Water And…Licorice Tea To Unwind!

by Tom Gainey | July 31st, 2013, 9:52 pm

The Wall Street Journal had a sneak peak at Novak Djokovic’s forthcoming book in which the World No. 1 details a road to happiness via the proper diet. Djokovic, who famously changed to a gluten-free diet just before his big rise in 2011, reveals some of his more interesting eating habits in the book.

According the the WSJ article:

Want to roll like the world’s top men’s tennis player? Start by drinking loads of warm water all day long, as well as shakes made with pea protein concentrate. Avoid dairy and stay away from alcohol during tournaments. Eat lots of avocados, cashew butter and very little sugar. Banish caffeine, other than the occasional energy gel bar before matches. Be sure to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night, meditate, do plenty of yoga and tai chi, take melatonin supplements, hook yourself up to a biofeedback machine that measures your stress level and, when you have a free moment or two, keep a diary. Feel free to unwind with a cup of warm licorice tea.

Warm water? The article explains:

Djokovic says he drinks mostly warm water because cold water slows digestion and “diverts blood away from where I want it—in my muscles.” He reveals perhaps a bit too much about his ideal hydration level—”I like to have a bit of color in my urine”—and tells of his first encounter with chocolate after a year-and-a-half hiatus. He ate some after he beat Nadal in the 2012 Australian Open final, which lasted nearly six hours.

And what does Novak do when he wakes up? Why he dines on manuka honey from New Zealand. Who doesn’t?

“The first thing I do out of bed is to drink a tall glass of room-temperature water,” Djokovic writes in “Serve to Win,” which is scheduled for release by Zinc Ink, an imprint of Random House, on Aug. 20. “The second thing I do might really surprise you: I eat two spoonfuls of honey. Every day.” He says he also eats it during matches.

The man behind this “madness” is Djokovic’s nutritionist Dr. Igor Cetojevic. And according to Novak, since hiring him in 2010 and adopting a gluten-free diet, “My allergies abated; my asthma disappeared; my fears and doubts were replaced by confidence.” He adds: “I have not had a serious cold or flu in nearly three years.”

The Djokovic book will be released on August 20. If you want to improve your game maybe this could work! Just make sure your honey is from New Zealand.

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65 Comments for Novak Djokovic’s Diet: Warm Water And…Licorice Tea To Unwind!

dari Says:

I am interested in this book, will likely check it out.

Kimberly Says:

Me too. Not. Fan of djokovic, but interested in the diet

Kimberly Says:

I pre-ordered on ibooks

Brando Says:

And he has also refrained from having sex. Jelena is there for publicity only. He takes out his carnal longings on a blow up doll named ‘Cvac’ in between matches. It saps little of his energy, in keeping with his gluten free lifestyle apparently. His father- rumour has it- approves the fantastic behaviour of the doll as it has yet to say no.

batlord Says:

Unfortunately, ALL women continue to say “NO” to Brando.

Humble Rafa Says:

LMAO Brando!

Uncle Toni lets me have Xisca as long as I win the French Open.

Brando Says:

Now now Batlord: no need to shoot your load just because I made a comment on Novaks regime, Tongue strictly in cheek of course. Take it easy and relax: no need to get overly excited over a passing comment. I suggest you have some donkey cheese to sooth your senses before you realize that making such a comment over a anonymous individual over the Internet is just sheer foolery only a overly sensitive idol worshipper would make. If you are going to give a rebuttal my supposed stalker (I guess) then cloud it with some sense reality would you please. Your alarmed recipient of your infatuation: Brando.

Brando Says:

@HR: LOL, no wonder Rafa relentlessly pursues the win at FO every year. And there I was thinking it’s because he loves the event. Should have guessed better, LOL! Xisca looks such a treat that if that’s truly the case then the humble one will surely be focused for many more years to win the FO, no?

courbon Says:

@ Brando: Think again.If that is the true, then Toni probably promise him to have sex twice this year.First, when he wins FO and second time if he wins US Open…Shit, I’m going to betting shop right now to put money on Rafa, he is winning US Open!

courbon Says:

I just had a vision.Vision of future in 2020.

Roger is backpacking in Tibetan mountains and suddenly he sees Novak with the monks.
Roger: Hey Novak, what are you doing here?
Novak: I’m looking for enlightment.
Roger: Wow, that is impressive.
Novak: Also, I need to get away from the family.My dad was talking again for the papers…What about you?
Roger: Eh, to be honest I needed some break from my family also.Mirka is edgy, twins are driving me mad, and that bloody cow does not stop muuing…
Novak:How is rafa?
Roger: Can you belive it, I saw him while I was backpacking in Spain.He is practising for French Open!
Novak: Shit man, he is still doing that?But he has like a sixteen of those throphies!
Roger: I know!But he says, he can not stop…
Novak: Wov…Ok, Roger, I can not talk any more, I’m just reaching a zen.See you later.
Roger: Ok, Novak.Good luck
…and Roger walks off in the sunset of Himalayas….

metan Says:

At 1: 22am. You have made my day!
# Thanks#

Brando Says:

@Courbon: LMFAO: hall of fame post at 1.22! Both posts! Great to see posters not get too attached with their favs and retain a sense of humour about them. Awesome stuff! And about Rafa: I wish you are right. The prize money increase doesn’t hurt in helping to practise hard, but Xisca? Oh boy: uncle Toni can have the playstation since rafa wants to pursue playing a different game. I can just imagine it now: Dear Andy, my friend cancel my part in your online football games. I can play no more. Toni has said that Xisca will let me enjoy the oldest game known to man if I win the USO open. I’m take your title my friend and enjoy that game with Xisca. Make sense no? Vamos, Rafa.

Margot Says:

Oh dear, I won’t be turning into a lean, mean, fighting machine like Nole any time soon, simply because I…can’t… stand …..licorice….;)

Giles Says:

@Brando. Yr post 10.33 pm. LMAO

Giles Says:

@Courbon. 1 22 am. Very very funny indeed! Lol

Thomas Says:

I mostly drink warm water as well. One thing I have in common with Djokovic’s diet :)

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

LMAO at Courbon and Brandos posts,i have never been a fan of celebrities and fad diets,ive tried many diets which have all failed miserably,in fact i dont believe in diets at all,i believe in eating sensibly and exercising regulaly,also sex is one of the best forms of exercise there is,it exercises every mussel in the human body,so if Novak is abstaining which i very much doubt,hes missing a trick indeed lol.

metan Says:

@ Hippy chic, you are really Hot lady,,,, lol !!!! You made me wanna grown up so fast,,, hehehe.

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Metan haha thankyou i think?anyway im sure your a hot lady too,after all your 24 right? but to be honest my husband thinks im a bit of a head case lol ;-))..

Colin Says:

Hippy chic, sex is no doubt good exercise, but as part of training for sport it would work only for a woman. After sex, a man’s body has to set about manufacturing a fresh supply of an immensely complex substance,ready for next time, so what he needs is a nap, not a tennis match!

“Every MUSSEL in the human body” eh? That’s an interesting concept.

Colin Says:

Folks, just Google “Dr Igor Cetojevic”, and you will quickly find that he is a practitioner of every kind of quack pseudo-science in the book. Any beneficial results for Nole would be in spite of that man’s advice rather than because of it.

Acupunture, magnetotherapy, the whole parade of nonsense. Next thing, we’ll learn the reason Nole bounces the ball so many times before serving,is that he’s mustering some fictitious “vital energy”.
Does the warm water contain a homeopathic dose of something or other?

Thomas Says:

Colln is right. I remember Gulbis saying once that he felt that having sex before a match was good for a woman, but not so much for a man.

Giles Says:

@Colin. “dose of something or other”. Hmmm. More than likely!

Ben Pronin Says:

This is the third time I’ve seen the “don’t drink cold water” thing. Looks like I’m making the switch. Also gonna get tested for the gluten thing just in case.

Ben Pronin Says:

Giles, how dare you make such accusations!

James Says:

I spent age 8-17 running almost every morning for 30 min/1 hr, sometimes more. I was so into karate, wanted to be the as fit as I could be. Also played tennis but never took it that seriously. I don’t think I followed any diet. I ate like a horse but never put on much weight. I was perhaps too active for that. Now I’m much older but still fit, lean and mean. Of course I’m no longer as fit as I was in my early 20s but if I were to play a series of best of 5 tennis matches or back to back soccer matches, I wouldn’t need more than a week or two to be physically ready for the challenge. It’s not because I eat something special or anything but I think it may be because I spent so many years training my body that it isn’t too alien for my body to go through for such challenges.
So, honestly, I don’t think any type of diet’s going to help you become super fit. There’s no substitute for physical exercise. When you do that on daily basis perhaps then you could follow such diets and they might really help.

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Camomile tea is nice and relaxing,Licorice tea sounds vile yuck,mind you i never have liked licorice.

James Says:

^ for someone like Kimberly who often plays tennis, Novak’s book could be beneficial.

James Says:

Please excuse the typos in my earlier post :/

and sex? I like it ;) but not the best form of exercise for fitness, which is why we don’t have too many super fit married people.

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

James agree eating healthy is good for your digestive system,however to be fit you need to exercise regulaly,my husband eats like a horse and likes a good drink,but does no exercise,but hes as skinny as a rake,only because he has a fast metabolism.

Giles Says:

Ben Pronin. And how dare you accuse me of making accusations! I was only agreeing with Colin!!! Pfft!

Giles Says:

Diets are an individual thing. Joker’s diet plan suits him but that doesn’t mean it will suit everyone’s requirements. We all have different metabolisms. For example for me licorice tea is an absolute no no. Can’t stand the smell of licorice, let alone consume it.

Jimmy Says:

No caffeine? Obviously Novak doesn’t work in an office.

patzin Says:

I am interested in his book; sounds interesting. The cold water thing is true, it shocks the system which tries to mitigate the situation to protect the organs. Warm or room temp water is better for your body. Licorice tea can raise blood pressure; need to be careful if that is issue for you. I want to learn more about this honey from NZ. He seems to be following holistic approach to diet; which I am a fan of.
Courbon: Like the dialog earlier betwn Roger/Novak here. Funny.

Ben Pronin Says:

“No caffeine? Obviously Novak doesn’t work in an office.”


James, 8-17 your metabolism is as fast as it’s gonna get. My youger cousin eats whatever crap he wants and is still really skinny because he’s always at the gym or playing tennis. But once the metabolism slows down, nutrition is way more important. But Novak’s issue with gluten doesn’t seem to be a “let me diet so that I can get more fit” thing. If you have an intolerance to it, you just feel better without it. Same for lactose intolerant people (gotta get that checked out, too). But if you want to look photoshopped, you gotta eat right. It’s simply a must.

Ben Pronin Says:

To clarify, nutrition is more important to stay slim. Actual training is what will make you more fit. But intaking the proper nutrients optimizes your gains.

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Novaks body is perfectly built for tennis,never have i seen a player able to stretch himself the way he does when retrieving some balls,i cannot remember if he was able to do that 3 years ago before he became the player he is now,but i would say that at least then he looked healthy,which is more than he does now,as he looks borderline anorexic,still its working for him i suppose,so its all for the greater good of his career.

Colin Says:

So all those people – particularly Australians – who make jokes about English “warm beer” are wrong, at least healthwise!

Btw, don’t the Japanese drink sake slightly warm?

Then again, there’s the old British folk saying “Hot tea cools you.” In the long run I suppose it does, but short term, someone suffering from heat exhaustion might find a hot drink fatal.

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Colin a cup of tea on a hot day is one of the most refreshing drinks you can have IMO,i very much doubt that my husband would want to drink a warm beer or cider though,but each to their own i suppose.

Ben Pronin Says:

Djokovic has always done yoga, always been outrageously flexible.

courbon Says:

Tennis Hippy Chic just open my eyes.
Sex is the best exercise so imagine if whole tennis world would adopt that metod?
WOOOV! It would be great.Players would not need trainers any more, and next to every tennis complex would be nice bordello! During the competition there would be no more trainers sitting at the front seats( with silly truck hats ) but the nice, voloptious women in full make up.Off course, the format would be changed to ‘Best of one ‘because obviously nobody could play more then a one set, but how refreshing would be that? I’m start petition to change tennis world forever!!! Thank you Hippy Chic!

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Courbon lol your welcome,seriously it was actually something i read in a magazine some years ago, 3 or 4 times a week though ;))..

courbon Says:

@ Hippy Chic: I’m absolutely serious too.Tennis needs shake up!
Joking aside, you are right-if you want to lose the weight cardio vascular exercise is the best.And sex is that.How is the husband by the way? Tired?

Humble Rafa Says:

Roger is backpacking in Tibetan mountains and suddenly he sees Novak with the monks.
Roger: Hey Novak, what are you doing here?
Novak: I’m looking for enlightment.
Roger: Wow, that is impressive.
Novak: Also, I need to get away from the family.My dad was talking again for the papers…What about you?
Roger: Eh, to be honest I needed some break from my family also.Mirka is edgy, twins are driving me mad, and that bloody cow does not stop muuing…
Novak:How is rafa?
Roger: Can you belive it, I saw him while I was backpacking in Spain.He is practising for French Open!
Novak: Shit man, he is still doing that?But he has like a sixteen of those throphies!
Roger: I know!But he says, he can not stop…
Novak: Wov…Ok, Roger, I can not talk any more, I’m just reaching a zen.See you later.
Roger: Ok, Novak.Good luck
…and Roger walks off in the sunset of Himalayas….

I will be a GOAT and those guys will be hanging with goats.

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

Courbon lol i do yoga sometimes,Zumba,Aqua arobics,but running after 27 old people is exercise enough alot of the time,and hubbys great thanks and tired too,i would make it compulsory for the men to practice and exercise in front of me with their shirts off ;))..

M Says:

@courbon – that was hilarious; thank you.

Those who pooh-pooh acupuncture, perhaps to do some more research.

Nole kind of lost me at “ban caffeine”, though.

James Says:

To clarify, nutrition is more important to stay slim. Actual training is what will make you
more fit. But intaking the proper nutrients optimizes your gains.

Thanks for the response, @Ben. And you’re right about the importance of intaking proper nutrients. In my younger days I could eat anything and still be very fit. Not anymore though as I think I’ve put on some weight, probably 4-5kg more than I should be. But then I don’t work out anymore. Maybe I should join some yoga class one of these days.

James Says:

LOL @Humble Rafa. A lot more work need to be done if you’re gonna be the GOAT. Winning a couple of non clay slams would really help your case.

James Says:

@hippy chic, I remember Brazil soccer star Ronaldo saying in an interview that sex helps him prepare well before a match. While I don’t think sex helps your fitness, I do think it helps you stay relax. Hmmm gonna ask the girlfriend to come home soon.

Tennis x hippy chic Says:

James somehow i dont really want to visualise that picture,Ronaldos an amazing footballer so ill leave it at that,now if your talking about the other one ie Christiano then wow,then i wouldnt mind doing some relaxing with him lol.

James Says:

LoL @hippy chic, understandable, but he actually said that he’d have sex before every major soccer match!
Yeah most ladies don’t mind doing some relaxing with C Ronaldo.

Bada Bing Says:

So I go to my local Vitamin Shoppe and all the pea protein is sold out! Last one this morning.Time to dump the whey.

Michael Says:

From a Djoker to a Champion. The transformation of Novak is complete. Gone are the days when his withdrawal during matches was a common sight. Today, Novak is fit and raring to go. Ofcourse his glutton free diet has a fair part to play. But more than that, I would say it is his will and determination which have seen through his tough times and elevated him to the top of the World.

James Says:

Well said, Michael. Agree with your observation of him.

Michael Says:


Thanks. US Open will be quite crucial to Novak and I am sure after those tough losses both at Rolland Garros and Wimbledon, Novak would have his task cut out. I hope he triumphs.

Tootie Says:

I’m glad you are in good health, Nole. You are my favorite tennis player and have been for five years. I just wish you would ask Jesus into your heart to be born again. He loves you but just mentally believing in Him doesn’t bring that transformation into a child of God.

Tootie Says:

Why are so many tennis players carting around their girlfriends and this goes on for years? The main reason is these foolish girls don’t understand that to give themselves to a guy works against them. A man respects a girl who doesn’t do that, is more apt to marry her and then the marriage is happier because there is respect. Another bonus is happier marriages means happier children.

madmax Says:

James Says:
LoL @hippy chic, understandable, but he actually said that he’d have sex before every major soccer match!
Yeah most ladies don’t mind doing some relaxing with C Ronaldo.

August 2nd, 2013 at 3:35 pm

Way to pretty and totally unatractive to me – all that tanned skin and bling. Yuk.

Michael, gluten free diet is definitely the answer for him and for others, in lots of ways, but also, I think he has just grown as a player and with age and experience, comes confidence in his game. That is where he has grown and become more “powerful”, don’t you think? A good team behind him that has stayed faithful for years, also helps.

holdserve Says:

I think the tennis players are wise in having girlfriends. Marriage requires a lot of commitment and dedication. Right now their careers require their full focus. Once their careers are over or almost over, they can think of getting married. If the relationship with the girl is strong and based on shared values, they will get married. If not, they will marry somebody else.
Better a failed relationship than a failed marriage.

skeezer Says:

^yep. Apparently it was a bad idea Fed got married and had children. Never won a Slam after that.

suzette Says:

@ Colin, before you call Dr. Cetojevic a quack, list what degrees you have earned, that would confirm your opinion. The man is a certified medical doctor, acupuncturist, certified in Chinese medicine,and a nutritionist. He has several books and publications and has lectured and run seminars in Europe and Australia. His use of biofeed back is being used by many physiotherapists, Dr. Debbie Drake of Canada, Dr, Paul Drovin, and Kathy Blair of the US, to name a few. While tradition doctors were diagnosing Novak with Athsma, Cetojevic, recognized that his breathing was caused by a gut disorder and it was verified by an ELISA test, that showed a strong intolerance to wheat and dairy products. He prescribed the PEA PROTEIN because the traditional Whey, used by athletes, was derived of dairy. Scientists from Harvard University and the University of Manitoba, studied the benefits of pea protein, show that it could prevent Hypertension and prevent kidney disease and thay lack of protein lead to muscle,heart, respiratory and immunity problems. Peas are a source of protein, vita.A, B3, B6, copper, iron, magnesium,and potassium. Yep, it sounds like Dr, Cetojevic knows his stuff. The real quack is someone who puts down that which he knows nothing about!

nadalista Says:

Djokovic responds to the furore over his Dad’s interview:

Nothing further to say on this matter, one hopes, end of.

Move on………..

tennisx hippy chic Says:

Madmax August 3rd 10.11am,actually im not a C.Ronaldo fan either,i just used that as an example compared to the other Ronaldo,as footballers go Thierry Henry would be my number 1 choice there,not only gorgeous but an amazing footballer too.

Tootie Says:

Novak will discover, if he asks Jesus into his heart, he will not need yoga. By the way, yoga is very much wrapped up in eastern religion and is dangerous spiritually for one. Only Jesus can give life and bring goodness to you. There is LIFE nowhere else.

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